Adjustments and Manipulation

Chiropractor adjusting patient

Living in pain or not feeling like your normal self? Dr. Jim Hazard at Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic of Solvang in the Santa Ynez Valley provides chiropractic adjustments to help you get back to optimal health and pain-free living.

Quick Guide to Alignment and Adjustments

We all go through times when something just isn’t right. We might be living with pain that won’t go away and that we cannot figure out where it’s coming from. We also might be fatigued, living with headaches, feeling stressed or hyper-emotional, not able to move as well as before, or simply not feeling ourselves. When you experience such feelings, chiropractic adjustments can play an integral role in overcoming them. Learn more about how in the guide below from Dr. Hazard and his team at Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic of Solvang, providing mobile service to the Santa Ynez Valley.

Understanding the Importance of Alignment

Pain and other symptoms are a signal to let us know something is amiss. And quite often, that “something” is related to an issue in the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Your bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves all play their own separate roles in your health and life. However, they all work together and can easily become impacted by one another.

A misalignment, for example, can cause muscle tension, nerve compression, headaches, back pain, and more. And that nerve compression can cause poor nerve function, which can impact everything from your organs to your muscles. Maintaining alignment and musculoskeletal health is critical for general health and wellness.

How Adjustments Help

Adjustments are a method used by chiropractors to restore and maintain alignment of the musculoskeletal system.

After assessing your body for subluxations, the chiropractor will apply a controlled amount of force to the area that pushes the bone back into its proper place. Adjustments can be performed both by hand and through the use of handheld instruments.

When a specific issue is being treated, you’ll typically need several adjustments over the course of weeks. As your body heals, the number of treatments will decrease.

Chiropractors typically speed up healing and recovery by combining adjustments with other techniques. These usually include soft tissue therapy, corrective exercises, and lifestyle adjustments.

Experience the difference chiropractic adjustments can make in your life with a visit to Dr. Hazard at Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic, or when you let us come to you. You can schedule an appointment at our Solvang office or a mobile appointment throughout the Santa Ynez Valley by calling (805) 686-2064.

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