Pediatric Chiropractic

Start your child on a pediatric chiropractic care regimen in Solvang and the Santa Ynez Valley, CA, by working closely with Dr. Jim Hazard of Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic.

Is Chiropractic Care Suitable for Children?

Chiropractic care involves different forms of treatment, including spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and therapeutic exercises. Those chiropractic treatment options are highly beneficial, and they help many of us deal with issues such as chronic joint pain, headaches, and stiffness.

Receiving chiropractic treatments is not an issue for adults, but what about your children? Can you schedule pediatric chiropractic care sessions without putting your child at risk?

Although your uncertainty is understandable, rest assured that pediatric chiropractic is completely safe. Your chiropractor can manage your child’s treatment without causing any harm.

An expert chiropractor can eliminate the risk involved in pediatric treatment by controlling the amount of force they administer. By carefully controlling the force they use, they ensure that your child will be safe during and after treatment.

The personalized aspect of chiropractic care is also a big reason it’s safe for kids. The chiropractor can create a treatment plan for your child and make changes to it as it progresses to fit their recovery goals.

You can argue that chiropractic care is better for kids because it’s a non-invasive form of treatment. Medication can help kids in some circumstances, but it also exposes them to potential side effects. Chiropractic care has far fewer risks and is more directed at the origin of a problem.

Note that you don’t have to wait until your child is an adolescent before beginning their chiropractic care regimen. Treatments from a pediatric chiropractor are safe for children of any age who are complaining of joint or muscle pain.

Ensure your child receives expert pediatric chiropractic care in Solvang, CA, after speaking to Dr. Hazard of Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic. We provide mobile service to the Santa Ynez Valley.

What Are the Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care?

Pediatric chiropractic care isn’t just suitable for children. It should arguably be a fixture of their wellness regimen.

Putting your child on a chiropractic care regimen makes it easier for them to avoid injuries. If your child plays sports, regular chiropractic care can improve their strength and flexibility. By getting stronger and more flexible, your child should be able to play freely without being subjected to as much wear-and-tear and will be better protected from having their joints jostled too far.

Chiropractic treatment can also improve your child’s sleep quality by reducing the amount of soreness they experience. Improving your child’s sleep quality is essential because it boosts physical and mental development.

Set pediatric chiropractic care appointments in Solvang, CA, or throughout the Santa Ynez Valley from our mobile practice by calling 805-686-2064 and speaking to Dr. Hazard of Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic.

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