Physical Therapy

Start a physical therapy regimen in Solvang, CA, or any other part of Santa Ynez Valley with the mobile help of Dr. Jim Hazard of Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic.

Why Do You Need Physical Therapy After Sustaining a Sports Injury?

Sports injuries can be quite varied in terms of severity. Some injuries may immediately hurt a lot, but they may get significantly better just a few hours later. Other injuries are capable of causing consistent pain over long periods. The type of pain those lingering injuries cause may also range from tolerable to unbearable.

We want to highlight those lingering injuries specifically in this article. If you end up sustaining one of those injuries, it’s important to note that sitting back and letting it heal by itself is typically not an option. You need to seek treatment because the injury may not heal correctly otherwise.

Don’t expect to be at 100 percent right away after you receive treatment. Depending on the severity of your injury, your first appointment may just be one step on your road to recovery. Physical therapy may prove to be an even bigger part of that journey.

People undergo physical therapy after sustaining an injury because it allows them to regain their old capabilities. Your injury may weaken your muscles and limit your range of motion. Those issues may persist until you adopt a physical therapy regimen.

Physical therapy may also be required if your injury limits your ability to move. Without physical therapy, you may have a hard time moving without assistance. Address that problem by working with a chiropractor who offers physical therapy.

Start your physical therapy regimen in Solvang, CA, or another part of Santa Ynez Valley after contacting Dr. Hazard of the mobile Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic.

What Are the Other Benefits That Sports Therapy Can Present to Athletes?

Effective injury recovery, restoring range of motion, and muscle strengthening are some of the essential benefits patients gain from physical therapy. You’ll be glad to know that there are other benefits that come from adopting that treatment regimen.

For instance, physical therapy can also improve your balance. By learning how to balance your body better, you can avoid common injuries that come with accidental falls.

Physical therapy is also useful for getting in shape. You may have reduced your activity level while recovering from your injuries, which has led to your current physical condition. Ease back into your peak form by regularly performing all the exercises associated with your physical therapy regimen.

Call 805-686-2064 and book your physical therapy appointments in Solvang, CA, or other parts of Santa Ynez Valley with Dr. Hazard of Jim Hazard Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Clinic.

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